Thursday, December 29, 2005

A Quick Explanation of Extremist Moderates

The vet coined a possibly-new phrase today: The extremist moderate. Now, here's an example of what this means:

That little stick-guy there? He's an extremist moderate. What this stick-guy does is stand completely off the line, enabling him to grab onto the ends of the line, and hence, snatch up some of the ideology of the extremist ends of BOTH sides (Say, wanting a massive government downsizing but, at the same time, wanting damn near every power in the book granted to the Executive branch). Kinda like a neocon, only more honest and vocal about their opinions. That stick guy is my pal the not-so-aptly named Neocon Blogger. Maybe that'll put a few things in perspective for those that are wondering. If not, at least they'll know for certain that the vet can't do shit with a paint program.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The 2008 Elections

For your approval, I, the Moderate Virginia Veteran, present my candidate for the Presidential election in 2008. His name is Mark Warner. Many of you know him, some may not. I'm here to tell you why he's your candidate as well.

First off, Mark Warner is a Democrat. Before you sign him off, keep in mind that you've not quit reading my site yet, and I'M a Democrat as well. Mark Warner is possibly one of the smartest men in America. He made his fortune by jumping into the cellular phone boom in its early stages, and helping to push it along. Yes, this man sees the value of capitalism, and he's not afraid to use it. He's a true-purple moderate.

Mark Warner has proven his worth. He's been a successful businessman. He won election to the highest office of a conservative southern state. Not only did he win that election, but he turned that state around after the deficits wrought by his Republican predecessor tore the state apart. That state, my friends, is my home. It is Virginia. We've been home to, at last count, at least eleven Presidents. We generally have enjoyed great benefits from Warner's administration.

Mark Warner is not afraid to make hard decisions for the good of the state. When the Republican-led national Congress made cuts of social programs to cut the budget, they countered them with nearly twice the amount in tax cuts, many of which went to those making over $200,000 per year. This is not smart fiscal policy. When Mark Warner took over Virginia, he also made small, across-the-board cuts. He partially restored a tax on automobiles that his predecessor had cut. Does that sound like a Democrat? Yes. Do you know what the first thing he did, before the budget cuts and the small tax hike, was? HE CUT HIS OWN SALARY. Yes, the Governor of Virginia cut his own income to help offset the deficit. He then pushed his budget plan through an overwhelmingly Republican state congress and, in the end, he gave us a surplus.
This man, this Governor, this Democrat recognizes the value of compromise. Yes, sometimes, compromise is out of the question. Let's face it though, people. In America, compromise is usually the only was to accomplish anything. Mark Warner is a master of compromise. Because of this, most of the children of my state have healthcare. The unemployment level in my state has dropped. The schools in my state have more of the money they need to educate our children.

In closing, the veteran would like to present this Governor's credentials. Mark Warner was chairman of the National Governors Association from 2004 to 2005. Under his administration, Virginia rated highest of all the states in the nation by the Government Performance Project. Further information can be found here:

Mark Warner's Wikipedia Entry
Mark Warner's Governor Website
Warner for President
Forward Together PAC

This man is our candidate in 2008. He has proven, time and time again, that he can win the hearts and minds of Democrats and Republicans alike, and that he can work with both lucratively. He will bring to our nation a vast improvement.

The Open Source Universal Healthcare Project

This is just a quick notice- The OSUHP site is up and the veteran is looking for comments and volunteers. The purpose of the project is clearly posted on the site, so if you're about to make a comment on 'nasty liberal/commie/socialist ideas', perhaps you should have a look at the SoP first. You might find it both interesting and enlightening. But, enough with the talk- Go have a look!

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Signing Off for Stickmas...

All of me here at the Moderate Virginia Veteran would like to wish you a joyous Stickmas and a Happy New Year! Butterstick card is borrowed from Wonkette!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Non-Political News: Microsoft Gives Up on Macs

Microsoft has decided that Apple's own browser, Safari, whoops so much ass that they've decided to stop supporting IE for Macintosh. They're actually recommending switching to Safari or another browser better suited. This is a nearly unprecedented admittance of defeat by Microsoft, who is also facing assassination by Google. Safari kicks ass. Not as much as Firefox, but it still kicks ass.

Homeland Security at Work

Federal agents recently visited the home of a University of Massachusetts student over a library book. The student was working on a research paper, and had asked for a copy of Chairman Mao's Little Red Book O' Communism (not actual title). This pretty much illustrates what's happening because of the Patriot Act (set to expire soon, unless the filibuster can be overturned). What does a socialist handbook have to do with fundamentalist terrorism? Hell if I know.

Yale Releases Report on Alito

Note: Links to PDF document- Get Adobe for Windoze here or, for Linux, here.

Yale has released an official research document on the most likely effects of Samuel Alito's appointment to the Supreme Court. The veteran has only read portions, but it seems to suggest a justice dedicated to big business, wealthy litigants, and GOP interests. It also suggests that Alito will rule against the little guy on a fairly frequent basis. Don't take my word for it though; click on the title link and read it yourself.

It's Getting Serious Now...

Dems on the House Judiciary Committee are publishing a report in book form on the Bush administration's activities surrounding the war in Iraq. This is important, not only because it will likely be fairly in-depth, but also because, for it to be credibly accepted, it must seriously account for documentation and reasoning behind all charges leveled. It discusses how the committee was stonewalled when asking for documentation from the administration, what crimes have been committed, et cetera. Once this is published, I'll be looking for a report on Annenberg about it. If this is the straight shooter we're hoping for, it could bring down the entire Neocon house of cards.

Multiple Post Day?

Yes, you've been so patient, so loving, so... Aw, Hell, you deserve it! Mini-multi posts!

Looking for the perfect Christmas Gift? Give the gift of stem cells!
No, this is not a prank. It might even be a good thing.

A Christian nudist camp? If Bush were really being advised by God, he'd be pushing this one. I only say that because I'm told I think I'm God.

A political action committee to impeach Bush? Where do I sign up?

That's all for now. On to the real news for the day...

If you're looking for an informative new post...

...Come back later. The veteran is currently wrestling with that most devious of foes, influenza.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay ME!!!

As of 2:08 PM EST, the veteran has now had his 1000th unique visitor since he changed his counter a couple of months ago. This means, barring dynamic IP leasing and the use of different machines by returning visitors, around one thousand different individuals have visited the veteran since September twenty-fifth of '05. Whoopee!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Immigrants and Jobs and the Economy, Oh My!

The veteran is on a roll lately for making posts based on personal experience, so here's a new one for you.

I moved to Gray, a small town on the outskirts of Johnson City, Tennessee, a couple of months ago. Right now, I'm working for Mountain Empire Oil Company (not-so-aptly named, as their claim to fame is running a string of convenience stores in TN and Virginia) and waiting to apply to ETSU for Spring semester. I've noticed something in my time here: This area is a haven for a HUGE number of illegal immigrants. Yes, right here in Bible-Belt-Bill-Frist-Conservative Country, USA. Every night I serve a large number (anywhere between five and twenty) illegals at my store. I can't sell many of them beer, as the only identification they carry is foreign, and I can only accept U.S. or state issued ID, visas or passports.

To set the record straight, I have nothing against these people. They work hard, come in at four or five in the morning for coffee, and again around midnight for beer, cigarettes, and necessities. By all accounts, they have a massively long work day. They're good people.
My gripe is about why they're here. Am I conservative on some issues? YES. These people shouldn't be here. They shouldn't have made it across the border. They don't belong here without so much as a green card.
With that in mind, I propose two ideas: Seal the border properly, for one. We can't afford them. Their presence detracts, at least in a small way, from jobs that I could have been working. They eat up my resources. Several of them don't speak a lick of English, and the only other language I speak, even in small measure, is Japanese. Plus, I feel bad when all they want is to unwind a bit after work, I can see that they're of age by the birthdate on their (insert South American country here) identification card, but I can't sell them beer.
The second portion of the solution is this: All that foreign aid we're putting out needs to be reevaluated, and some of it needs to go toward fixing the general economic conditions in South America. Most of these immigrants are from Mexico. Look out Vicente Fox, 'cause it's ass-whuppin time. Take care of your people. They don't deserve the conditions they live in, either here or at home. The economy in Mexico and its neighbor nations is the primary cause of illegals coming here. It needs fixin', and it needs it now.
One last point: fix the immigration system. For those that need it, getting into the United States shouldn't require stealth or permanent tension headaches from trying to navigate the red tape. For those that need it, ensure they can get in and become proper, naturalized citizens. Teach them English. Give them the proper aid required to procure a roof to sleep under, jobs, and needed education. The current system is, at best, chaotic and, at worst, detrimental.

Why? Because I Said So.

Yes, the veteran is peeved. Given, I stay peeved these days, but I can typically handle it. There was something tonight that just pissed me off though. There are certain rules of etiquette that go along with blogging. I want to create more traffic and maybe get myself a few cross-links on the way, so I use links2blogs. I wouldn't mind making a few dollars extra (this veteran is dirt poor), so I have a couple of ads (only targeted ones, and one for Firefox, 'cause it kicks ass). Is this within reason? So far as I know, yes. And it's all ON MY OWN BLOG. What I saw tonight was this guy who runs Gobbleblog blatantly wasting server space by creating a second blog with only one post JUST TO LINK TO HIS REAL BLOG. It's stupid, it's wasted space, and it's almost like a popup-ad. Do you build a fake Wal-Mart just to put a sign in the window that says, "Visit Wal-Mart at 1200 E. Main Street"? Seriously, man, if you're having trouble with traffic, there are better ways. You're just going to piss people off. I'm not going to post a link and encourage this guy, but the 'adblog' is called "The Rape of Lady Liberty", and it will show up on links2blogs occasionally. Watch out for it.

Friday, December 02, 2005

My Obligatory Christmas Post


pirate santa
I love you. You're santa but you still manage to be
a pirate. You're crazy enough to throw a couple
of yo ho's in the general xmas-ness

What kind of Santa are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Notes on Mr. Murtha and More Amazing Media...

First point: One piece of the John Murtha plan that seems to have mostly escaped the attention of the media: He didn't call for a full retreat from the Mesopotamian region. Specifically, what Congressman Murtha asked for (in his own words) was-

"My plan calls: To immediately redeploy U.S. troops consistent with the safety of U.S. forces.
To create a quick reaction force in the region.
To create an over- the- horizon presence of Marines.
To diplomatically pursue security and stability in Iraq"
War in Iraq by John Murtha

Specifically, what Mr. Murtha requested was a strong rapid response team based just over the border in Kuwait, ready to jump in when the Iraqi armi can't cut the mustard. This is neither difficult to imagine nor is it 'cutting and running'. Kuwait is right next to Iraq (a country roughly the size of California, and not nearly as oblong). Airstrikes and quick deployments to aid embattled Iraqi soldiers would be relatively simple logistically, and our troops would be based in a reasonably non-hostile section of the region. Less troop strength would be required. The Iraqi security forces would have a further incentive to stand up and take responsibility. WE CAN'T HOLD THEIR HANDS FOREVER. The plan is, in my opinion, fairly logistically sound (leaving aside unforeseen problems). Whether or not you agree with Murtha's position, perhaps having a better understanding of what that position actually IS will help you to make a better informed decision in favor or against. This post has been inspired by Poldark Maximus, an excellent blogger and a scholar in his own right.

In other amazing stories...
A few days ago, the veteran picked up a copy of the Wall Street Journal for the first time ever. While WSJ is certainly a bastion of conservative capitalist thought, the ol' veteran finds it to be worth a read by anyone with the time. The amount of detailed stock information available is stunning for a daily paper-based publication, and some of the Op-Eds are enlightening. For example (and I can't remember who the writer was), there was an article on the philosophy and ideology of John McCain. Friends, whether you like McCain or not, I think you'd find this to be quite an objective perspective. The author compares McCain to Teddy Roosevelt (the vet's favorite President of all time) and to Robin Hood. Check it out if you get the chance.

For those in the arena for a 'what the f*ck, over?', the Gubernator has hired on Dem Susan Kennedy (not one of 'the' Kennedys) as his Chief of Staff. Reps in Orangeland are pretty upset, and understandably so. While Schwarzenegger ran as a moderate Republican, he's been keeping Cali Republicans happy recently with his hard-right initiatives (they failed) and his H2. Unfortunately, while keeping his conservative base happy, he also threw himself out of favor with the other half. By hiring on Kennedy (former Deputy Chief of Staff to Gray Davis), Schwarzie may be showing regret at leaving the center and alienating his largest base. Hopefully, this will work in his favor. I hear she's a great advisor. The article can be found at the NYT.

That's all for now, folks. Come on by, and tell your friends! Also, remember: real webheads don't use Internet Explorer. Click on that little Firefox link at the top of the page and see what security and speed are all about.