Tuesday, December 27, 2005

The 2008 Elections

For your approval, I, the Moderate Virginia Veteran, present my candidate for the Presidential election in 2008. His name is Mark Warner. Many of you know him, some may not. I'm here to tell you why he's your candidate as well.

First off, Mark Warner is a Democrat. Before you sign him off, keep in mind that you've not quit reading my site yet, and I'M a Democrat as well. Mark Warner is possibly one of the smartest men in America. He made his fortune by jumping into the cellular phone boom in its early stages, and helping to push it along. Yes, this man sees the value of capitalism, and he's not afraid to use it. He's a true-purple moderate.

Mark Warner has proven his worth. He's been a successful businessman. He won election to the highest office of a conservative southern state. Not only did he win that election, but he turned that state around after the deficits wrought by his Republican predecessor tore the state apart. That state, my friends, is my home. It is Virginia. We've been home to, at last count, at least eleven Presidents. We generally have enjoyed great benefits from Warner's administration.

Mark Warner is not afraid to make hard decisions for the good of the state. When the Republican-led national Congress made cuts of social programs to cut the budget, they countered them with nearly twice the amount in tax cuts, many of which went to those making over $200,000 per year. This is not smart fiscal policy. When Mark Warner took over Virginia, he also made small, across-the-board cuts. He partially restored a tax on automobiles that his predecessor had cut. Does that sound like a Democrat? Yes. Do you know what the first thing he did, before the budget cuts and the small tax hike, was? HE CUT HIS OWN SALARY. Yes, the Governor of Virginia cut his own income to help offset the deficit. He then pushed his budget plan through an overwhelmingly Republican state congress and, in the end, he gave us a surplus.
This man, this Governor, this Democrat recognizes the value of compromise. Yes, sometimes, compromise is out of the question. Let's face it though, people. In America, compromise is usually the only was to accomplish anything. Mark Warner is a master of compromise. Because of this, most of the children of my state have healthcare. The unemployment level in my state has dropped. The schools in my state have more of the money they need to educate our children.

In closing, the veteran would like to present this Governor's credentials. Mark Warner was chairman of the National Governors Association from 2004 to 2005. Under his administration, Virginia rated highest of all the states in the nation by the Government Performance Project. Further information can be found here:

Mark Warner's Wikipedia Entry
Mark Warner's Governor Website
Warner for President
Forward Together PAC

This man is our candidate in 2008. He has proven, time and time again, that he can win the hearts and minds of Democrats and Republicans alike, and that he can work with both lucratively. He will bring to our nation a vast improvement.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't sound to bad. I will keep him in mind, I know I won't vote Republican in the next election. So whomever the Democrat is will have my vote.

12/27/2005 8:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how hypocritical for Democrats to speak out against corporations and capitalism and the rich when they're into all these things!

12/29/2005 7:19 AM  
Blogger Mad Mod said...

Ooookay... Hey, we're not all like that, ya know... just some of the more socialist-leaning ones...

12/29/2005 7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Without any support from the Democratic power base (whateverthehell that is this week), what chance does he really have? And in the end, Mod, do you throw away your vote based on principal, or hold your nose like the rest of us, and pick the lesser of two evils?


1/11/2006 12:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Warner is now comfortably at the top of the second tier of candidates for 08; the first tier has only Hillary in it.

Warners already won the media over. He's now trying to build up his national image and win the backing of the party.

So far he's got my vote.

1/20/2006 1:19 AM  
Blogger Mad Mod said...

That's awesome... Thanks for coming by, and please visit again! We'll be holding out for Mark in '08!


1/20/2006 7:03 AM  

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