Monday, December 19, 2005

Yale Releases Report on Alito

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Yale has released an official research document on the most likely effects of Samuel Alito's appointment to the Supreme Court. The veteran has only read portions, but it seems to suggest a justice dedicated to big business, wealthy litigants, and GOP interests. It also suggests that Alito will rule against the little guy on a fairly frequent basis. Don't take my word for it though; click on the title link and read it yourself.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alito is possibly the worst possible choice for the Supreme Court that Bush could have found. I have read the report in-depth, and this is a man with respect for government, corporate interests, and finds the issue of many civil rights cases to be counter-productive. This is a Neo-cons dream come true - couple him with Roberts and it could take untold years to again have a well-proportioned Supreme Court. If Alito succeeds in getting on the court - the Bush legacy will be around much longer than he or his cronies - and has the potential to impact the Judicial system for decades to come.

Bush is an obstacle that can be overcome - but Alito will be there for life - which so far exemplifies his position of favoring the government over the people. Everyone out there - fight this one hard, and make those calls. This would be a disaster to the integrity of the Supreme Court.


12/22/2005 12:02 PM  

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