Saturday, September 24, 2005


Don't get me wrong. I'm not criticizing Michelle Malkin's physical appearance. I just thought that this photo catches one of the most priceless expressions this veteran has ever seen on anyone's face. Also, it somehow cheers me up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd still hit it. I think she's hot. Do you dislike her?

9/24/2005 3:43 PM  
Blogger Mad Mod said...

Sometimes... mostly when she's all "radical left moonbat blah blah blah". When she's being an actual journalist, however, she can be pretty damn good.

9/24/2005 4:02 PM  
Blogger Marko said...

Posting pix like this is mean and useless. I would expect this from radicals, not from moderates.


9/24/2005 5:50 PM  
Blogger Mad Mod said...

Riiiight. Lighten up, man. It's the expression, not the person. Didn't I post something to that effect right under the picture? 'Cause I seem to remember doing that.

That being said, that's a nice blog you've got there. It's so damn professional looking I almost fainted when I saw 'blogspot' in the url (not that I have anything against blogspot which, incidentally, manages to host my blog and still kick ass).

9/24/2005 7:16 PM  
Blogger Mad Mod said...

Ahhh... upon further research I see that it IS a professional blog. Now I just want to know if bloggers will be allowed in as media at the summit (yes, I read the no-attribution rules).

9/24/2005 7:31 PM  
Blogger Mad Mod said...

And another point: Wouldn't Malkin fall INTO that category of radicals, right along with Coulter, Hannity, Moore and Franken? She seems to do quite enough screaming about the left, and I still haven't located the origin of the word 'moonbats' (used by Malkin occasionally, as well as other bloggers, conservative and liberal alike).

9/24/2005 8:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

malkin seems fair to me...she takes digs at bush every once in a while too

9/25/2005 7:41 PM  
Blogger Mad Mod said...

No argument there, she does occasionally. I'm just not fond of listening to her demonize the left end of the spectrum. Couldn't she just say that both extreme lefties AND extreme righties are moonbats? ;)

9/25/2005 9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's with the righties gettin all politically correct and sensitive about the posting of an unflattering pic of Malkin?

Geez, you'd think they were whiny progressives or something. Especially after all the crap they dished out about Chelsea Clinton.

12/14/2005 4:02 AM  
Blogger Mad Mod said...

Yeah, but when you compare Barb and Jenna with Chelsea... Well, I think you get the idea. Chelsea's a lady. Bush twins are Bush twins. I think it tends to get under their collective right-leaning skin...

12/14/2005 8:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting screen shot. There was a priceless bit of tape that came near the end of the Chris Matthews interview where he called he on her yellow journalism, god I can't believe I typed that.

Matthews got her to stand by her false accusations that Senator Kerry had shot himself to earn a purple heart. As Chris went to a commercial a camera cut back to Malkin and caught her trying to steady her hands while raising a coffee mug to her mouth. She looked very shaken by the exchange.

12/23/2005 12:40 AM  

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