Thursday, September 22, 2005

Conservative Columnist Steve Sailer Describes How Birthrate Affects Party Ties

This article, from The American Conservative, highlights an interesting comparison between birthrates of major metropolitan areas and rural regions, and how they influence voting demographics. Specifically, Mr. Sailer speaks about white birthrate, and how the birthrate is typically lower in the major metropolitan areas than it is out in the boonies. Using this technique, he explains how the red states manage, with their lower population per square mile, to continue keeping up with the blue states, which generally have a very high population density in their cities (the blue states are mostly on the two coasts, with the red states overwhelmingly squeezed in the middle). Mr. Sailer seems to go off on a tangent of speculation toward the end of the article, speaking about how the blue staters are, in his view, more prone to racial prejudices than the red staters, and makes a rather poor, barely supported case to that effect. Overall, however, his theory of birthrates may be an important contribution to political science.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you had best sound off that you love the virgin mary, pyle! LOL You communist heathen. Now I see why u got kicked out of the marines, loser.

9/23/2005 3:15 AM  
Blogger Mad Mod said...

Riiiiiiiiight. And I suppose you possess the intelligence and intestinal fortitude to have ever been one in the first place.

9/23/2005 3:44 AM  

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