Friday, February 11, 2005

Dr. Rice Shows Her True Colors

Well, this isn't exactly news, but the Herald Sun news from the Outback brought up recently how ol' Condi must've had a brain-fart when she claimed the admin hadn't had any warning of Al-Qaeda's intent. The fun part is I watched the 9/11 commission question her about the report titled 'Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.', or something like that. She claimed it was all just "...historical information", and had no bearing on anything that happened, when it in fact gave pretty detailed information on the possible Wheres and Hows, if not the Whens. I'm doing a position paper on how Condi isn't qualified for her new job. Any suggestions for points are welcome.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

but of course!

-invadergoesgonk :P

2/14/2005 10:52 PM  
Blogger Mad Mod said...

holy shit! I miss you guys! We got the stuff you sent, but unfortunately, we're too poor to send anything back yet... there's a couple of things I wanna send you and Charles, tho...

2/15/2005 12:59 AM  
Blogger DNA The Splice of Life said...

If you're not a fan of CR, this should entertain you:

3/10/2005 11:37 AM  

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