Thursday, December 09, 2004

Tom DeLays the Inevitable

Well, House majority leader Tom DeLay has done it again... After three smackdowns for ethics violations having to do with fundraising scandals, he's pulling out all the stops. His lawyer has rebutted the charges with a 'Contempt of Congress' countercharge and is threatening to throw another representative and a watchdog group in jail. What jail, you may ask? We don't know and, apparently, they don't know either. The last Contempt of Congress charge was leveled back in the '40s. Why can't DeLay just face up to his [already proven] crimes and do the time? Why do the House Republicans feel that he's worthy of keeping his post if he ends up getting indicted? What makes these people feel that they're above the law? Visit Raw Story or Blue Lemur and stay tuned!


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