Monday, December 13, 2004

Europe Is Apparently Tired of the Shrub

Well, here we go again. A poll taken in several European nations by an international polling company, 'Ipsos', has shown with some clarity that most of Europe looks upon America with disfavor, but most especially, our *cough* President. France and Germany came out with more than half those polled having anti-U.S. feelings, and many in Spain, Britain and Italy were looking pretty anti-American as well. This doesn't come as a big surprise as our foreign policy is generally frowned upon by most of the world, but some of these countries have been major allies in the past. Tony Blair's control of Britain has kept the military resources of the country on our side, but there have been frequent antiwar demonstrations as well as calls for Blair's impeachment by the Brits. It seems as if he's not very popular in his own country lately ^_^. Australia and Canada also showed up on the poll, demonstrating a marked dislike of the Shrub administration. Sure, we're a superpower NOW, but what happens when these foreigners get pissed off one too many times? Is Bush going to defend us against what will [probably] be a TRUE coalition of the willing, opposing our policies? The people have spoken, both here and elsewhere, and the government has ignored us...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bush is a cock. Save your money.
This is now the extent of my political engagement.

hey brad, nice job with the blog : )

3/03/2005 6:53 PM  

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