Sunday, April 23, 2006

Yes, we're on hiatus

My dad died, my fiancee is in the hospital, and the shit keeps rolling downhill... I'll be back as soon as conditions allow for me to think straight...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Conspiracy Theorists' Corner

Aaaaargh! Since the veteran rarely indulges the notions of conspiracy theory, a subject which gets little enough media attention, I'd like to introduce "Conspiracy Theorists' Corner", a place for the [more verifiable] evidence available on certain subjects loved by those tinfoil-hat-wearing fans!

Today's subject is: 9/11!!!

Today, we have an article through Yahoo! News, focusing on audio recordings made during the 9/11 incident at the World Trade Center in New York. Keep in mind, folks, that the veteran is stone cold drunk while writing this.
Certain first-responders to the incident reported blasts that seemed entirely too much like controlled demolition blasts during the collapse of the buildings. Subsequently, certain people judging themselves as engineering experts have decided that the blasts were an elaborately-planned event by PNAC (the Project for a New American Century) to propogate american anti-Muslim sentiment and nationalist pride to contribute to a sole-superpower status for America. Yes, the veteran entertains these notions sometimes. Your beloved veteran's father died this past Saturday (03/25), the veteran is intoxicated, and willing to entertain ANY notion! The veteran is not qualified to legitimately argue against the theory put forth by many of the tinfoil hat people (many of them borrowed from legitimate engineers), so the veteran must therefore lend credence to these people, regardless of belief, as they may hold the truth! Aaaaargh!!!